Placer gold beneficiation methods
Sources of gold produced, some from placer gold, some from lode gold. Since the 1970s lode gold production remained at 75 to 85 percent, gold accounted for 15% to 25%.
Placer gold beneficiation methods
Native gold deposit outcrops, in the role of external forces handling and sorting, a large proportion of minerals (such as gold particles) deposited on the slopes, river, lake shore seaside place. Formed a placer deposits with enriched and industrial exploitation. Placer deposits usually use gold dredger mining, hydraulic mining, and excavator mining.
Placer gold beneficiation process includes preparation tasks and screening operations. Preparation tasks mainly have crumbling and screening processes. Commonly used equipment is crusher, flat screen, cylindrical screen, etc. Screening placer gold often uses gravity separation method. This is because placer gold more than a major(average 17.50-18.0g/cm³),coarse grain size (typically 0.074-2 mm). The other is due to gravity separation method is more economical and simple. Gravity separation generally uses chute, Jig and shaker.
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